Mini Monets and Mommies: Kids' Halloween Wreath Craft

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kids' Halloween Wreath Craft

It used to be a pizza box, and now it’s a Halloween wreath! I’m all for decorating on the cheap. That said, I don’t want to wait until October 30 to buy whatever leftover décor is 75 % off at the craft store. So, instead of patiently awaiting a sale, I reused one of the many empty pizza boxes that are slowly piling up in my garage (somehow my 13-year-old always seems to miss taking those out on garbage night).

Holiday craft
This holiday wreath is super-easy to make. As a bonus, it adds in a few other lessons for your child to learn:

·        Math- Shape and pattern. The circle shape and ribbon pattern that she’ll make can build budding mathematics skills.

·        Colors – Name the colors of ribbon as your child works.

·        Sensory exploration – Use different textures of ribbon. I choose a sheer, gauze type of ribbon along with silky versions. Pick a few different types that your child likes, and encourage her to feel the differences.

·        Environment – Discuss why you are reusing cardboard. Explain that instead of tossing it in the trash; you can transform it into something new.

Ribbon wreath
Here’s What You’ll Need:

·        Reused cardboard – I used a pizza box lid, but you can use the side of any other type of box.

cardboard reuse
·        A marker

·        Scissors

·        Clear drying school glue

·        Thick wire-edged ribbon – The wire on the edges will help the ribbon hold its shape and make it easy to ‘poof’ up.

·        Thin ribbon in Halloween colors – orange, black, green

·        Model magic

·        Googley eyes

·        Cotton balls

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Draw a circle onto the cardboard with a marker. Make it a double or bubble circle and have your child draw a smaller version in the middle.

2.     Cut the circle out. Cutting through thick cardboard may be a challenge for little fingers. Although I usually advocate being hands-off when it comes to kids’ art activities, this time you will want to take over. You will have a slim donut shape when you’re done cutting.

Kids' art
3.     Wrap the thick wire-edged ribbon around the circle. Glue the ends down on the back.

4.     Create a pattern with the ribbon. Cut strands of the thin ribbon. Have your child weave it around the wreath, creating colorful patterns.

Wreath pattern

Craft pattern
5.     Tie the ends of the ribbons at the bottom of the wreath. This is a prime opportunity to work on shoe tying.

6.     Pull cotton balls apart to make spider webs. Wrap the strands around the wreath.

Cotton balls
7.     Roll the Model Magic into balls to make eyes. Your child can use her palms to make mini spheres.

8.     Press googley eyes into the Model Magic.

Monster art
9.     Glue the eyes onto the wreath. Move the ribbon aside so that the glue is on the cardboard. The Model Magic is too heavy to stick onto the ribbon without falling off.

Kids' crafts
10. Hang your child’s spooky Halloween craft!

Wreath art

Are you looking for more fall activities? Follow my Pinterest board for awesome autumn ideas!

Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Fall Activities for Kids on Pinterest.


  1. I love your Halloween wreath. I would've never thought of using a pizza box to create this, very cool!

    1. Thanks! I usually use thicker boxes, but this was perfect for this craft.

  2. That looks so effective and fun to do! Popping over from #ParentingPinItParty

  3. I really like this activity. I will use it for home and school decoration. I've pinned it for later. #pinitparty

  4. oh how cool I have a pizza box! And i am going to make a wreath!

    thank you for linking up with the #pinitparty

    1. We seemed to have a stock pile of them that I was saving to make something. It worked out very well- the cardboard is the perfect thickness.

  5. Woohoo!! So glad you linked this up the best from your blog this week at our Bewitchin Projects block party! Be sure to come back again on Sunday starting at 6am EST over at to link up your projects again--the linky party runs from Sunday to Thursday each week :D


~Cathy Mini~

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